
Two inhabitants of two worlds

The first film of her life got a chance to act for only 1 minute in Oslo, August Thirty-first. 10 years later, the director of that film, Joaquin Thira, thought, let’s make a whole movie about him. That’s what he did. Rinsavio also won in Renault. The young Norwegian girl returned from the 74th Cannes Film Festival with the Best …

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Who is this woman maker who won the gold palm

In 1993, Jane Campion became the first woman to win a gold medal at the Cannes Film Festival with a piano. After 28 years, Julia Dukurno gave birth to a new history. Julia became the second woman to win a gold medal at the 74th Cannes Film Festival with her movie ‘Titan’. On the night of July 17, the winners …

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Scarlett’s lawsuit against Disney

Hollywood star Scarlett Johansson has filed a lawsuit against Disney for allegedly running Black Widow online in breach of contract. The company made a record amount of money in the first week of Coronation from this recently released superhero movie. The film is streaming online in the second week. Scarlett, the actress in the central character of Black Widow, has …

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