Make your own style statement

Fast fashion has skyrocketed human demand. You can speak for yourself as an example. Take a look, many people grab their wardrobe every day before attending the office or any other place or event. A wardrobe full of clothes, but nothing to wear.

This problem does not end here. For those who adhere to a little high fashion, the bigger problem is that an outfit cannot be worn twice. Many even think that this outfit was given a post on Instagram or Facebook last week and it has been seen by almost everyone in Friends and Family, even giving a like, love, wow reaction. Many have also made comments.

Make your own style statement

So this dress is absolutely old now. Standing in front of another dress, I remembered that it was worn at a friend’s birthday party, or at a wedding party.

That is to say, in this way we have become slaves to the product. I have lost my personality in the design of clothes. This became his own wardrobe pile of clothes. It can also be called Bhagat. Because, when you go somewhere, you can’t find anything to press on from here.

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You have to find a way to get rid of it. Create your own style statement without immersing yourself in the style statement or fashion trend shown by others.

Do not follow the path shown by others through social media. Take inspiration from there and find outfits like your own from your wardrobe. Then create a variety of style statements from an outfit.

For example, most children have a simple black or white shirt in their closet. Casually we wear it with a pair of jeans or plain black pants when we go out.

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But with this black shirt, it is possible to create new styles and these will look like new outfits. In other words, a shirt or top can give you a traditional, formal, semi-formal, casual, and party look.

Casual look

For a casual look, you can pair it with any color shirt, t-shirt, or top denim pants, jeans, or denim culottes. However, Converse or sneakers must be added with; Then they will become trendy. And girls can add transparent heels. Then the casual look will also become gorgeous.

Semi-formal outfit

Color contrast outfits are also running in the current fashion trend. With that in mind, it is possible to present yourself attractively in contrast pants with a black or white shirt and a matching belt. In case of girls, you can change the whole look by adding another color of Shrug or Koti on top if you want. And it will become eye-catching, impeccable.


Partywear is called a trend breaker. That means you can wear anything that goes with your personality at the party. In that case, you can wear the shirts stored in the closet with the skirt. There are different types of skirts in a trendy fashion. Wear stilettos or boots with them. As well as matching or contrast accessories will give you a classic or retro look.

Traditional outfits

A matching shirt with a traditional outfit, but only for girls. Of course, many may be a little surprised. But now the use of shirts instead of blouses is quite trendy, which radically changes the decoration of regular basic sarees.

So for those who are bored with the traditional sari style, they can pair up with the shirt of their choice, crop top, and even a t-shirt without leaving the sari in the closet. You can wear contrast or trendy or statement jewelry to bring dimension to this outfit, which will give your statement a modern twist.

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