Today’s tips for those who eat half to loss weight

There are many people around the world who eat half to lose weight. Again, there are many who do not improve their health even after playing hundreds. Being overweight is just as much a problem as having sick or broken health. Beauty lies in being at the ideal weight according to one’s body shape. If your weight is 5 to 10 kg less than the ideal weight, then you must understand that you are a sick person. The appearance of a sick person naturally loses its natural beauty.

Weight Loss Trips

In most cases, it is seen that you can’t gain weight even if you try. Many people may start eating too much, but the benefits are not so great. Rather, unhealthy eating can lead to poor health. Not only if you are fat, but you also have to have a well-formed body. Isn’t it? But what to do then? If you are tired of trying all you can to gain weight and get a well-formed body, then these tips will come in handy. Try to follow the rules, you will soon see the change in yourself.

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Special breakfast: Almonds and raisins every morning. There is no substitute for nuts and raisins for weight gain. Soak half a cup of wood nuts and raisins in a little water while sleeping at night. When they swell in the morning, eat them. Start the morning with nuts and raisins. It is also very good food for children.

Special dinner: milk and honey before going to bed at night. This is an infallible strategy for weight gain. Before going to bed at night, you must eat something quite nutritious. And if you are hungry, you will eat with ease. And sleep immediately. As a result, the calories of the food will not be consumed in time, the calories will remain in the body as extra weight. Before going to bed, drink a glass of condensed milk mixed with a lot of honey every day.

Special dinner

Liquid foods: After a while, the appetite for liquid foods builds up quickly. This is why you can eat any liquid food after a while to create an appetite. However, remember that it is never better to drink water before and between heavy meals. In this way water in the middle of the meal quenches the hunger. As a result, there is no appetite for heavy food.

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Vegetables + vegetables + fruits: Eat lots of fruits. Fruit is a nutritious food that contains a lot of calories. Eat fruits and fruit juices every day. There are many fruits and vegetables that are high in calories. Such as mango, jackfruit, litchi, banana, ripe papaya, sweet pumpkin, sweet potato, raw banana, spinach, etc. Eating fruits and vegetables will improve your health as well as your weight.

Fish + meat + eggs: If you want to be healthy, you have to eat a lot more fish, meat, eggs, or more than before. Eating 2-4 egg whites every day will be very useful, egg whites have a lot of protein, vitamin A, vitamin D, vitamin E which will make a lot of hormones in the body, which will bring good health.

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