Simple tips to get rid of acne are 100% effective

Acne is one of the most common types of acne and is one of the most common types of acne. The following are the causes, symptoms, and treatment of acne.


Cause of the disease:

The main cause of acne is not clean stool and liver defects.

Symptoms of the disease:

There are small blisters all over the face, and inside there is a white shell. When it is taken out thoroughly, it becomes a black spot on the face.

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Treatment of the disease

To cure acne, mix conch powder and sandalwood together and apply it to the acne-like ointment. Mix 1 teaspoon of neem leaf juice with 1 teaspoon of raw turmeric juice and 1 teaspoon of sugar and eat it on an empty stomach every morning for 1 month.

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