The Best way Winter dry skincare

Winter dry skincare: The winter season has come, the weather has become dry. At the same time, your skin is becoming dry. In winter, the skin becomes dry and rough. Due to the decrease in air humidity, the watery part of the skin, like everything else in nature, flies away and merges with the air. When the number of dryness increases, it causes various problems in the skin. The loss of beauty is also extensive. It is possible to keep the skin soft with a little care before the dryness of the skin becomes severe in winter. Below are some suggestions.

Winter dry skincare

Lip care: Dryness of the lips increases drastically at this time in line with the dryness of the skin of the body. Many people repeatedly wet their lips with their tongue at this time, which causes more damage to the soft skin of the lips. It is best to apply Vaseline or Merrill Petro-Liam Jelly on the lips repeatedly. If Vaseline tends to dry out, apply thickened Vaseline. Never try to pull the thin dry skin on the upper part of the lips, it will increase the amount of damage.

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Use less soap: It is better to use less soap while bathing in winter. Because soap causes dryness in the skin. In winter, the skin becomes naturally dry. Regular soap use increases the level of dryness. So use soap as little as possible in bathing or washing hands and face. If you have to use soap, then of course use glycerin-rich soap.

Winter dry skincare

Use of glycerin: You can apply glycerin regularly to get rid of dry skin in winter. Glycerin is the best moisturizer. Mix one part glycerin with two parts water and use. To remove the glycerin gummy feeling, apply glycerin lightly on a wet towel or cloth and apply it on the skin to get rid of the gummy gum.

Glycerin gummy feeling

Use hot water: Do not use hot water while bathing. Because hot water makes the skin drier. If you have to take a bath with hot water, then you must use a moisturizer after the bath if the skin feels wet. Apply moisturizer on hands, feet, face, and whole body. Keep in mind, moisturizer will not work after the skin is completely dry. Moisturizer should be applied to keep the skin moist.

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Use of sunscreen cream: Don’t think that winter is coming. There is no need to use sunscreen cream before going out in the sun. Before going out in the sun, you must apply sunscreen cream to the skin. Although the winter sun creates a sweet mood, it is harmful to the skin.

Winter dry skincare

The sun’s ultra-violet rays damage the skin. Skin cancer is not a strange thing. So if you want to protect the skin, it is better to apply a cream with sun-protective factor or SPF. There are different levels of SPF-rich creams or lotions. However, according to researchers, SPF-15 rich cream is safe for the skin.

Use of olive oil: In winter, the skin of the body gets cracked. It can cause various skin diseases. To prevent this condition, apply olive oil all over the body before going to bed at night to reduce the dryness of the skin and keep the skin alive. Do not delay consulting a doctor if the amount of skin rash increases and the use of olive oil does not improve much.

Finally, many people apply various vegetable and fruit juices to the skin to keep it beautiful. But various studies have shown that the juice of such vegetables or fruits does not really work on the skin, in addition to the skin of the skin is more black when the lemon juice is applied outside. So be careful before using vegetables or fruits on the skin.

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